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All about Britain / Julie Hart. by Hart, Julie Publication: Limassol, Chipre : Burlington Books, 2009 Physical description: 54 p. : il. Availability: Items available for loan: CPI A Xunqueira (16),

All about the USA / Emily Winston by Winston, Emily Publication: Limassol (Cyprus) : Burlington Books 2013 Physical description: 62 p. : il. cor ; 21 cm Availability: Items available for loan: CPI A Xunqueira (4), Checked out (11),

People Who Changed the World / by Eleanor Sutherland by Sutherland, Eleanor Publication: Limassol (Cyprus) :Burlington Books 2013 Physical description: 75 p. :il. ;21cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: CPI A Xunqueira (15),

Tutankhamun / Julie Hart by Hart, Julie Publication: Limassol (Cyprus) :Burlington Books 2010 Physical description: 61 p. :il. ;21cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: CPI A Xunqueira (4),

A Christmas Carol / DICKENS, Charles ; retold by Judith Ray by DICKENS, Charles Publication: London :Burlington Books 2013 Physical description: 63 p. :il. Academic level: 1º-2º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: CPI A Xunqueira (2),

The thief of always / Clive Barker by Barker, Clive Publication: Limassol :Burlington Books 2009 Physical description: 60 Academic level: 1º-2º ESO Availability: Items available for loan: CPI A Xunqueira (1),

Tales of the Alhambra / Washintong Irving, retold by Susan Lynne Newby and Elisa Mª López Cabrera by Irving, Washington Publication: Limassol (Cyprus) :Burlington Books 2010 Physical description: 65 p. :il. cor ;22cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: CPI A Xunqueira (1),

The boy with the dark secret / Elena Guasch by Guasch, Elena Publication: Limassol :Burlington Books 2017 Physical description: 57 p :il. cor ;21cm Academic level: 1º-2º ESO Availability: No items available: Checked out (1),

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